How can we help you?
Juvenile and Criminal Defense
Having an experienced attorney to assist your child in navigating the Adult Criminal and Juvenile Justice System is imperative. Attorney Julie Boyer is a NC State Bar Board Certified Specialist in Criminal Law - Juvenile Delinquency, and represents children and adults in some of the most serious charges imaginable.
Post-Conviction Investigation
Attorney Julie Boyer has the experience and knowledge to review prior convictions to determine if there are avenues for relief.
Juvenile and Criminal Defense Lawyer
About Julie Boyer, Attorney at Law
Julie Boyer graduated from the University of Illinois College of Law in 2004, and has been practicing in North Carolina since September of that year. While beginning as a prosecutor, she quickly changed gears and began representing those accused of crimes.
Over the years, Attorney Boyer began representing both children and adults charged with First-Degree Murder in addition to other violent felonies. After moving to Winston Salem in 2013, she has continued to advocate for her clients involved in the Criminal Justice System. As a State Bar Board Certified Specialist in Criminal Law - Juvenile Delinquency, she fights for her clients in Juvenile Court and if they are transferred to the adult system.